07 Aug 2014 Engagement Australia Conference Wrap Up
How to ‘Engage and Innovate for Sustainability’ was the focus of this years Engagement Australia Conference. Given the current climate in the higher education sector it remained a vital question for the three day event. Delegates from all over Australia, as well as New Zealand, Thailand, United Kingdom and South Africa came together at Charles Sturt University to hash it out.
In the beautiful rural setting of Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, delegates saw temperatures drop below zero on several occasions. But in the plenary and breakaway rooms the conversation was heating up. What time is it for Australian Universities? Are we at a crossroads? Is engagement the answer? Through world cafe, workshops and individual presentations there were opportunities to not only highlight the critical problems but to collectively look at solutions. We listened to our VC’s and keynotes discuss the issues facing higher ed as well as why engagement is crucial for sustainability.
Engagement Australia would like to say a big thank you to our delegates, presenters and of course to Charles Sturt University for an engaging, thought provoking and memorable conference.
For an overview of the event please click here.
For the Conference Photo Gallery click here.