05 Dec 2018 Universities Australia Engagement Session
Re-imagining the Engaged University
Date: Tuesday 27th February 2018
Time: 3 – 5pm
Location: National Convention Centre, Canberra
Price: $75
In a world of turbulence and uncertainty there is always a need to know exactly where the leading edge of change, driving university’s engagement with society, lies. The 2018 Universities Australia Engagement session, titled Re-imagining the Engaged University, takes us up to this leading edge of change, providing a platform for dialogue and debate about how progressive and leading universities are revisiting the strategic imperative for them to be relevant and add value to the communities they serve.
Join with us for an expert panel discussion event that includes Vice Chancellors and senior leaders focused on shaping a strategic engagement agenda for their respective universities in the current climate. The session will also draw on leading thinkers in Australia who have contributed to the journal Transform: the Journal of Engaged Scholarship. Contributors to the new Issue of this journal, also titled Re-imagining the Engaged University, include Professor Margaret Gardner AO, Chair of Universities Australia and President and Vice Chancellor, Monash University; Professor Tim Brailsford, Vice Chancellor and President, Bond University, and Professor Barbara Holland, University of Nebraska – attendees will receive an advanced copy of the new journal at this event.
Re-imagining the Engaged University will identify, solidify and ‘put flesh on the bones’ for the key issues facing the next generation of engaged scholars and leaders of institutions. This session will seek to re-imagine and re-think in some important ways the core public purpose for higher education institutions.
Confirmed panelists are:
- Professor Sharon Bell, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Strategy and Planning), Western Sydney University
- Professor Tim Brailsford, Vice-Chancellor and President Chancellery, Bond University
- Mr. Adrian Collette, Vice Principal (Engagement) University of Melbourne
- The Hon. Verity Firth, Executive Director of Social Justice, UTS, Sydney
- Tania Rhodes-Taylor, Vice-Principal, External Relations, The University of Sydney.
- Professor Adam Shoemaker, Vice-Chancellor and President, Southern Cross University
Session Chair:
Professor Jim Nyland, Associate Vice Chancellor (Brisbane), Australian Catholic University & Editor, Transform: the Journal of Engaged Scholarship
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/re-imagining-the-engaged-university-tickets-40893629948
Further information: Contact Engagement Australia admin@engagementaustralia.org.au
Please note the session is scheduled to finish prior to the Welcome Reception for the Universities Australia conference and will be held in the same venue at the National Convention Centre, Canberra.