05 Nov Transform Edition 2: Re-imagining the Engaged University
Transform: The Journal of Engaged Scholarship – Issue 2: Re-imagining the Engaged University COMING SOON!
In a world of turbulence and uncertainty there is always a need to know exactly where the leading edge of change, driving university’s engagement with society, really lies.
‘Re-imagining the Engaged University’ – the next issue of Transform: the Journal of Engaged Scholarship – takes us over this leading edge of change, providing a platform for dialogue and debate about how progressive and leading public purpose universities must to respond strategically to the continuing need for them to be relevant and add value to the communities they serve.
In the inspirational Issue ‘Re-imagining the Engaged University,’ Professor Margaret Gardner AO, President and Vice Chancellor of Monash University and Chair of Universities Australia gives her first major interview on the challenges and opportunities of engagement for Australian universities. Professor Tim Brailsford, Vice Chancellor and President at Bond University provides fresh insight into the importance of reshaping relationships with government, industry and community but also warns of some of the dangers. And Professor Barbara Holland, internationally renowned for her scholarship and expertise in the institutionalization of engagement, frames the new global state of engagement for Australian universities for 2018 and beyond.
This Issue also contains major case studies of practical and leading-edge models of engagement at Western Sydney University, The University of Canterbury, Christchurch and HE industry partner CSIRO – Australia’s national science agency and innovation catalyst.
This Issue gives voice to the new generation of University and industry leaders about how we might re-imagine the Engaged University.
Join Engagement Australia and receive your FREE copy of Transform: the journal of Engaged scholarship, Re-imagining the Engaged University.