09 May CQU: Physiotherapy spinal program aligns with CQUni’s core engagement value
The CQ Spinal Assessment and Rehabilitation Service is the proud recipient of the prestigious Engaged Service Award in CQUniversity’s 2016 Opal Awards for Excellence in Engagement.
The CQ Spinal Assessment and Rehabilitation Service (CQSARS) is a joint Physiotherapy Referral Pathway program between CQUni’s student-led Physiotherapy Clinic and the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. CQSARS now provides patients with an alternative conservative-management plan within the CQ community including individual physiotherapy assessment and treatment sessions. Overall this service strives to assist local general practitioners whilst minimising the current waiting lists for public physiotherapy services in the region. It also enables third-and-fourth-year CQUni Physiotherapy students to gain exposure to complex and chronic pain/spinal patients. Since its September inception, the clinic has assessed 15 chronic pain/spinal patients; referral numbers are increasing and group classes will begin this year.
CQUni project drivers were Musculoskeletal Associate Lecturer and Clinic Supervisor Samantha Swain, Physiotherapy Discipline Lead Professor Anthony Schneiders and Health Clinic Manager Helen Bourne.
“Prior to the implementation of this service, waiting lists for patients with spinal pain wishing to see a physiotherapist in the public sector was about 12 months,” Ms Swain said.”
“Overall this service strives to assist local general practitioners whilst minimising the current waiting lists for public physiotherapy services in the region.
“It also enables third-year and fourth-year CQUni Physiotherapy students to gain exposure to complex and chronic pain/spinal patients.”
Excerpt taken from the CQUniversity website