19 Sep Community Engagement and Evaluation Webinar

When: Tues 19 September, 12pm
Join us for a one hour webinar hosted by Hannah Morgan from the Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion, UTS. Authentic community engagement can empower people to change their lives and the communities they live in. Community engagement is both a process and an outcome in itself – it leads to better collaborative decision making, centres the needs of the community and it can contribute to healthier and happier communities.
So how can we capture the impact of community engagement?
In this session, we will explore the nexus between engagement and impact, and how evaluation can help us tell our story.
Hear from Hannah Morgan, Social Impact Research and Evaluation Officer, in the Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion, UTS, as she unpacks how we can evaluate both the process and impact of our community engagement work.
Hannah is a social worker with experience in mental health, disability and LGBTIQ+ health. Most recently she has worked in project management, coordinating national projects focused on LGBTIQ+ health and palliative care research. Hannah has recently completed a Masters in Evaluation at the University of Melbourne and has an interest in research on evaluation and participatory evaluation approaches. She also works as an evaluation officer at the Black Dog Institute conducting internal program evaluations.
About the Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion
The Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion is the gateway for partners to engage with the university’s resources and expertise to maximise social impact. We work with community organisations, not-for-profits, social purpose businesses, and individuals.