Transform to be indexed in Informit databases

Transform to be indexed in Informit databases

Engagement Australia has signed an agreement to partner with Informit to index all issues of Transform: The Journal of Engaged Scholarship in their databases. Kait Jordan, Commissioning and Licensing Officer said, “Informit is very pleased to be adding the Transform journal to our platform and partner with Engagement Australia to support their mission to advance the scholarship of engagement in higher education.”

The partnership with Informit marks an important milestone in the development of Transform. Dr Matthew Pink, Deputy Chair, Engagement Australia and Editor of Transform said, “This is an excellent outcome for Transform as we seek to enhance the reach, readership, and impact of the journal. We look forward to seeing past, present, and future issues featured in Informit”

This announcement caps off an excellent month for Transform having received a strong set of submissions to the call for papers. To add to this, Transform was also recently listed in the Open Access Australasia directory of Open Journals. Issue 8 will be published later this year.